Ex Aqua – of water – refers to the Latin expression “ex aequo”, which means “au pair”, without defeats or winners, as natural balance would like. The human being does not govern nature, he is an interlocking part of it and as such it he must consider himself and nature. The project intends to underline the consequences of the presence of plastic materials in water, both marine and fluvial. It is composed by an audiovisual work based on the balance and the clarity of the forms, that is modified through the voluntary immersion of hands in a water tank. The installation intends to represent the problem of harmful human intervention through an audiovisual installation that immediately underlines the effect of our touch in water: a cause/effect, action/reaction operation that is a warning to our act in the world, even through small daily gestures.
EX AQUA (2018)
Design and development: Calembour
Software and hardware: Arduino + Max/Msp
Material: water, monitor, Arduino, speakers

Festival della Scienza
Aquae - Il futuro è nell'oceano - Palazzo Ducale, Genova (2018)

Cnr: 95 anni di futuro
Anniversario 95 anni CNR - Roma (2018)
exaqua exaqua exaqua